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3.5 Chapter Exercises

Test Your Knowledge of Communication Apprehension

Table 3.1 Myths or Facts about Communication Apprehension

Instructions: For each of the following questions, check either “myth” or “fact.” Myth Fact
1. Audiences will be able to tell how nervous you feel.
2. Some stage fright might be a good thing, as you can channel it to make your delivery more energetic.
3. Most audiences are basically hostile, looking to see you make a fool of yourself.
4. Experienced speakers don’t feel any stage fright.
5. Most speakers tend to relax as they progress through their speeches.
6. Moving around the front of the room during your speech will make you less nervous.
7. Most audiences would rather see a speaker do well.
8. Focusing on yourself rather than the audience is an effective way to reduce your stage fright.
9. The positive or negative label you ascribe to the public speaking situation will influence how nervous you feel.
10. Telling a joke in your introduction is guaranteed to get the audience on your side.
Scoring: Myths: 1, 3, 4, 8, and 10; Facts: 2, 5, 6, 7, and 9