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Chapter 3 History, Globalization, and Values-Based Leadership

Figure 3.1

Planet Earth is pretty big, but many changes taking place seem to make it a smaller place.

What’s in It for Me?

Reading this chapter will help you do the following:

  1. Learn about the history of principles of management.
  2. Know the context for contemporary principles of management.
  3. Understand key global trends.
  4. See how globalization is affecting management principles and practices.
  5. Appreciate the importance of value-based leadership (ethics) in management.

The planning-organizing-leading-controlling (P-O-L-C) framework is summarized in the following figure. In this chapter, you’ll learn that some principles of management are enduring, but you’ll also see that managers need to be continually adapting to changing times. Each facet of the framework—from planning, to organizing, to leading, to controlling—has to be adapted to take advantage of, and to manage in, our changing world. Global trends affect both the style and the substance of management. As the world becomes more global, managers find themselves leading workforces that may be distributed across the country—and the world. Workers are more educated, but more is expected of them.

Figure 3.2 The P-O-L-C Framework

The realm of managers is expanding. As a leader, you’ll be a role model in the organization, setting the tone not just for what gets done but how it gets done. Increasingly, good business practice extends to stewardship, not just of the organization but of the environment and community at large. Ethics and values-based leadership aren’t just good ideas—they’re vital to attracting talent and retaining loyal customers and business partners.