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But I Didn’t Know
After a meeting with the operations manager of your organization, you close the door to your office so you can think of strategies to resolve an issue that has come up. The operations manager casually mentioned he had just finished a performance review of one of his employees and offered the employee a large raise because of all the hours the employee was putting in. The raise was equal to 11 percent of the employee’s salary. The operations manager, being new both to the company and to a union shop, wasn’t aware of the contract agreement surrounding pay increases. An employee must receive a minimum of a 2 percent pay increase per year and a maximum of 6 percent per year based on the contract. You worry that if the union gets wind of this, everyone at that employee’s pay level may file a grievance asking for the same pay raise. Of course, the challenge is that the manager already told this person he would be receiving the 11 percent raise. You know you need to act fast to remedy this situation.
Break into teams of four or five. Please choose the following roles for each of your team members:
Once roles are chosen, please determine a solution or make a recommendation for the following situation (remember, this is a role play; you may make reasonable assumptions): The employee believes the performance evaluation the manager gave was unfair and has filed a grievance about it. The employee shows proof of a good attendance record and three letters from colleagues stating the high quality of her work. The manager contends the employee does not use time wisely at work, hence the 3 out of 5 rating. The manager is able to show several examples of poor time usage.