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1.3 Chapter Summary

  • Culturally intelligent leaders are change-focused and change-ready. They anticipate different scenarios for change and enable their organizations and people to embrace change.
  • Many leadership scholars differentiate between management and leadership and managers and leaders.
  • Managers are responsible for controlling, coordinating, planning, and organizing. Leaders are people who inspire, motivate, unite people, and create visions for the future.
  • Cultural intelligence requires leadership and leaders, not management and managers.
  • Historically, leadership theories and frameworks are based on Western ideologies and perspectives.
  • Leadership theories and frameworks must incorporate a global perspective that considers differences in perceptions of leadership and leaders.
  • Leaders must be able to create cultures where differences thrive. They may accomplish this by: making diversity a priority, getting to know people and their differences, enabling trust, holding each person accountable for differences, and establishing mutual interdependence.
  • Leadership and culture are intertwined like two halves of a rope threaded together. At times, leaders must be able to step away from what they are experiencing to understand the full impact of culture on leadership.