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9.5 Chapter Exercises

Real World Case Study

The following case is based on a consulting experience of one of our colleagues. Names and institutions have been altered for this case.

Morgan, an organizational consultant, was approached to serve as an executive coach for a work team in a new organization called Sankaya. Sankaya is a retail organization geared towards fashion merchandising and retailing. This work team was trying to figure out ways to generate sales, maximize profits, and minimize resources. Sankaya encouraged the work team to think outside the box and figure out innovative ways to increase sales. The work team was skeptical about Morgan’s involvement. They did not feel they needed an “outsider” to coach them on their task. It became quite apparent in the first meeting that group members were not cohesive. Certain ideas were given more credit and time than others. Also, some group members were even implying to do unethical means to increase sales, such as not pay their workers for constructing their garments and even giving themselves raises for working on the team.

  1. Can these employees be coached?
  2. If you were Morgan, how would you handle this situation?
  3. How can you change this group’s communication behaviors?
  4. How would you handle the unethical ideas, especially if you do not have the power to stop or prevent them from happening?

Real World Case Study #2

After 40 years in the same building, Corporate Communications built a new building to attract more customers. The new building has more space and better lighting. However, in the old building everyone knew each other because the space was so small. All the employees were able to interact with each other because there was only one entrance and one exit into the building. Moreover, many of the employees were collaborating and interacting with other employees because they were not separated by their job. In other words, technicians would work right alongside people in human resources and advertising. In the new building, each employee was place in a distinct location so that all the human resources employees could be found in the same office. This new building has cause more tension and stress among the employees who may sense a feeling of professional jealousy and competition. Many employees are unhappy.

  1. If you were hired as a consultant, what would you do?
  2. What recommendations would you provide?
  3. How can you change this organization’s communication behaviors?
  4. What hindrances and limitations could you foresee in implementing your ideas?

End-of-Chapter Assessment Head

  1. Jonas was assigned to a group. He is still learning his group member’s names and interest. According to the team development model, which stage is Jonas in?

    1. forming
    2. norming
    3. storming
    4. transforming
    5. performing
  2. Tessa has been working in a group for about two month. Her group members are still not sure about their ultimate goal. According to the Team Performance Model, which stage is her group in?

    1. trust building
    2. commitment
    3. goal clarification
    4. implementation
    5. renewal
  3. Tessa has been working on a project team. They want her team to complete an advertising campaign by tomorrow. Based on what you know about project teams, which element can Tessa not spend much time on with her other group members?

    1. trust building
    2. commitment
    3. goal clarification
    4. implementation
    5. building stronger relationships
  4. Zavin is the only person in his organization in charge of the sales and marketing of the organization. What would his title most likely be?

    1. Chief Executive Officer
    2. Chief Operations Officer
    3. Chief Technology Officer
    4. Chief Financial Officer
    5. all of these
  5. Brenna’s group members just found a new problem with a product that has already been sold in stores. Everyone in her group believes that they should just ignore the problem. No one questions the decision to ignore the problem. What downside of teams is most likely occurring in this situation?

    1. group think
    2. risky shift phenomenon
    3. executive decision making
    4. apathetic conflict
    5. social loafing

Answer Key

  1. A
  2. C
  3. E
  4. B
  5. A